Wednesday, April 27, 2011

6 Stars is around the corner!!

6-star energy efficiency is just around the corner for Victoria, starting from May 2011. If you are not aware, it already applies to other states such as: ACT, QLD and SA. This is another article to assist you in your design to improve energy efficiency in the most cost-effective way. We will be assessing insulation to garage ceilings. This is not a common practice by builders, but it will be prudent to consider.
Below is a simple house which has been assessed in different orientations with and without ceiling garage insulation.

From the above assessments, having garage ceiling insulation of R3.5, all orientations comply in accordance with 6-star energy efficiency. This is advisable and recommended for design, and can be very beneficial for volume builders’ master designs.
Sustainability Update
In accordance with the current Victorian Building Commission Practice Note 2008 – 55, an alteration or extension to an existing dwelling does NOT require either a rain water tank or solar hot water service.